Carrying multiple styles of small and large bags, or combining bags with different materials and designs, will result in a unique and fashionable “mix” of accompanying accessories. The trend of layering bags, including carrying multiple bags simultaneously, has been previously employed in various collections by renowned fashion brands. Learning the “formula” for layering handbags from trendsetting fashionistas aids in perfecting an ideal appearance and assists those who frequently rummage through their bags.
Perfectly applied in intricately-styled daily combinations, you only need to organize the frequently used items into a mini bag or clutch and the rest into a larger bag, making everything more convenient and neat. The “layering” effect not only creates an appealing and fashionable appearance but also completes a multi-hued ensemble, much like a striking piece of art. Choosing suitable designs aligned with the color tone and style of the overall outfit can be considered a precise example of leading this new trend of fashionable bag layering.
Elsa Hosk, currently on vacation, opted for a Boston bag to hold essential items for her trip. She paired a white cropped top with simple logo patterns, fabric trousers, and a suitable tote bag for any style. This ensemble not only creates a synthesis effect but also manifests a striking presence. Worried that creating layers might become complex and challenging? Fear not, innovating a more unique look by coordinating colors, shapes, or materials will bring about a comfortable and relaxed feeling.
Orion Carlotto completed layering bags made of unusual leather with various colors and shapes. She suggests a useful styling tip by donning a simple black-and-white look with the layered background resembling a harmonious and artistic color block. Additionally, one cannot overlook the adorable and petite handbags in this trend. Marie flaunted a new style with a dark brown coat, checkered skirt, lace stockings, paired with two ultra-small chain strap shoulder bags. Despite being a palm-sized bag, its unique design and vibrant colors double the stylish appeal.